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Featured Cosplayer is...
{ Anne }
Anne is one of the most amazing people in our community, Long time Lara fan and cosplayer, our dear friend has been sorely missed but she came back to us! To welcome her back properly I wanted to feature her on the site and formally re-introduce her!
The Cosplay Mom is Back!  and I couldn't be any happier!

1- Tell us about yourself.

"First and foremost, my name is Anne Roig! I started cosplaying as Lara Croft when I was only 14 years old. I fell in love with the cosplay community because it seemed to be the ultimate expression! I'm currently engaged to a man I call Shu, we have quite an interesting family of nerds! We have a child together, whom currently is being raised on Star Wars, video games, and all sorts of other hippie/nerd,
and tech geek stuff you could say!

I'm also a huge animal lover, collectively we have acquired two Pit Bulls (Teetee and WiFi), 3 kitties (Wuuthrad, Dovakitten, and Namira), a Sugar Glider (Padme), and hopefully soon another rat!"
2- Why do you cosplay Lara, what does it mean to you?

"To me, Lara represents strength, courage, wisdom, and a woman who knows just what she wants (and isn't afraid to go get it!). The first time I ever dressed up as Lara was for Halloween when I was in Middle School. This was way before I even knew what Cosplay was, or that it even existed! Needless to say, I found myself loving to work on the costume construction, so I would go online for reference photos! That's when I found Chuck Brite's website where he hosted look-a-like competitions.

When I told my dad about it, he began to help me create a different gun belt, find realistic looking guns, etc. Anything that he could do to help me win my first competition! We would go location scouting for hours, sneak into abandoned buildings, even go full out urban exploring! So it may sound silly to some, but in entering those competitions, it gave my father and I a hobby, something to do together (a.k.a parent/child bonding, YAY!!! lol), and that's why it means so much to me."
3- How did you first hear about lara?

"I believe it was through a GamePro Magazine, they used to send out demo CD's in the mail. One day I popped one in the PSX and it had a demo of Tomb Raider II, so I said  "Why Not!" and gave it a try. Then I caught myself playing it over, and over, and over again! Then before I knew it my game collection grew!"
4- How long have you been a lara fan?
"Ever since I was a little girl (14 years old)!"
5- When did you get into cosplay?
"I think when I was a little over 14 years old, I went to Big Apple Anime Fest dressed up as Jill Valentine from Resident Evil: Director's Cut."
6- How do you assemble your outfits?

"I assemble by trail and error...(and explosions sometimes!) I like to take already made items and modify them. For instance, I'll take a white tank top and dye it until I am satisfied with the results. I'll make my own gunbelt pattern out of paper, then, depending on my mood, either hand sew, or machine sew it out of pleather. I've worked with bending certain metals too for the holsters.
Also, the Tomb Raider Cosplay website has been a HUGE help with finding materials, as well as making them yourself!"
7- Favourite TR outfit:
"Always a fan of her classic blue tank top and shorts, but I really love the new Reborn outfit!!"
8- Favourite TR game:
"Tomb Raider III, because of being able to go across the globe to different locations!"
9- What do you think of the movies?
"I'm not too big a fan of the movies, sorry ladies and gents..."
10- What is your favourite boss fight/puzzle in your favourite game?
"I loved fighting Amanda's pet at the end of Tomb Raider: Legend because of Lara's reaction after she brings her down!"
11- How do you feel about the new origins story?
"I have never been so excited for a game before in my life! This is how I always envisioned Lara in my mind as I read her story."
12- What is the one item you would add to the croft outfit?
"Maybe a knife for close combat? Other than that I can't really think of anything."
13- Who takes your photos, and what kind of equipment do you use?
"In the past it's always been my dad and random friends who didn't think I was too weird. Now my fiancé is my photographer and we use our Nikon D90 and Lomo cameras. We hope to get more equiptment soon!"
14- What are your favorite qualities that Lara upholds?
"I love that she is self sufficient, intelligent, strong (both mentally and physically), and with the new game, vulnerable. Lara's character is someone who I can relate to as well as look up to."
15- What is your dream Lara croft costume?
"The new one!"
16- Do you have any advice for first time cosplayers?
"Remain positive, it you're scared like I was, know that it's O.K.. There are wonderful, supportive, and very helpful people in the community! Even if your a mom!!"
17- Have you anything you want to share with our readers?
"I'm not really much for words most of the time. I'm quite the super shy, nerdy, cosplay girl, and yes, socially awkward too."
Previous Featured Cosplayers:
  1. Max
  2. Lena
  3. Jenn
  4. Tif
  5. Jolien
  6. Julie
  7. Julie Peugeot
  8. Lady Linny
  9. Carla
  10. Jonathan
  11. Ornella
  12. Anastasya
  13. Tereza
  14. Kat
  15. Colette
  16. Jessie
  17. Aurelie
  18. Monica
  19. Anne