My name is Michele and I'm from Germany. I was born on in 1996 and I'm currently
doing my training as an office clerk in a known group.
I've cosplayed since 2016 and my first cosplay is my "Lara Croft Tomb Raider:
In my childhood I met my role model for live - Lara Croft. At six years old,
I started playing Tomb Raider and my love for this great game is growing further
and further. For five years I've had a YouTube -Let's Play channel under the
username "MitchyLP". I am playing the many different games, especially Tomb
Raider ;-)
I wanted to join this great community earlier, but I hadn't the money for
starting cosplay. My first public appearance was at the Gamescom 2016 in Cologne
at the Tomb Raider Gathering 2016.