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laracroftcosplay.com's video banner credits and information
Why did you make the banners?
It all started with one banner, I wanted to convey a sense of community, promote togetherness, present a unified front and show how much we all love Lara Croft.
Initially I was going to have a slideshow of individual pictures but then I don't even know how i was inspired, (probably because i'm a huge fan of photo composites) I decided to put us together in the picture below.  Seeing all these cosplayers who are thousands of miles apart together in an art piece made me happy!

How did  you make the banners?
Nothing extraordinary, I isolated the cosplayers from their photos by making their backgrounds transparent , resized them so they look somewhat proportional to one another,  changed the color temperatures and hues , positioned them in a way that was complimentary to one another and then used a filter to correct any left over color issues, when we graduated to video versions , I also added a soundtrack to each iteration / outfit.

How do you choose who gets to be in the banners?
I pick a theme, so an outfit from a game or movie, I pick only cosplayers from my website because I have permission to use their images, I make sure it's a full body shot and in focus.

Can I be added to a banner?
Everyone is welcome, if we can fit you in, I got you!  If not we'll start a new one and include even more cosplayers!
Who are the people in the banners?

Underworld: This was the very first one I made , I believe around 2010 (I think) 
I stuck with the main default outfit, chose a background from the game and having julie jumping and Jenn climbing really added excitement to the picture.

Legend: This one was also really fun to make , the background is a screenshot from the game, everyone is in the default Lara costume, and having jolien and Sari jumping makes the whole image exude feminine strength <3

Classic: This one is not only awesome because it's the undisputed champion outfit that started it ALL, but it's got the pyramids in the background.

Angelina Era Movies: This one was a fantastic thrilling project because we have Anna Maria riding a real horse, we just had to make her the centre piece , plus the croft manor is just beautiful!

Reborn: I loved working on this one! I made the campfire one of the focal points, and even went as far to create a warm glow on missmanga's legs and saylum's arm to make the fire believable, The final video version as an actual animated fire!

Tokyo Dress: Another fan favorite , this one was a no-brainer, I just picked as many tokyo dress cosplayers as possible and brought them together.

TR Catsuit: A fantastic tactical outfit by croft. the background was a screenshot from the game, and having Athora jump in the back just added so much excitement !

Underworld Wetsuit: I didn't think they were gonna come close to how cool the sola wetsuit was but here they are! This wetsuit is another fan favorite and the most ambitious composite as it demands more of the viewer to suspend belief and buy that the cosplayers are partially submerged in water
Go with it please lol i love it so much !! :D

Angel Of Darkness: How could I not include this game! The background is where you start your adventure !

Tomb Raider Anniversary: One of my personal favorites, this background is also my favorite, and having these ladies (Sari, Jenn and Aurelie)  show so much strength and athleticism really brings a new level of awesome to the whole art piece , especially in the animated video version