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Katie Flemming Section!
Katie is a student from Canada, She has created one of the biggest tomb raider fan sites and wrote Eleven fan fiction stories starring Lara Croft. half a million people have checked out Katie's website to read them!

In march 2003 she won 1st prize at a world wide fan fiction contest sponsored by core design.
"I wrote my first story just for fun, for myself, and I continued to write for myself, If I'm happy with it then that's what I'm going for, but to have other people read them and really like them is an extra bonus for me" ...

Katie was featured in Gametap's Tomb Raider 10th anniversary Retrospective, Katie also produced, Directed and starred in her own Tomb Raider Fan movie    
The Interview!
Katie agreed to have an interview done for me, So here it is, enjoy you guys!

Q- Hi Katie, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to laracroftcosplay.com!
A- Thank you! I appreciate you taking your time to interview me and for showing an interest in my work!

Q-Tell us a bit about yourself
A- Well, my name is Katie and I live in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). I started playing Tomb Raider when I was 12 years old and have continued ever since. I have a diploma in Interactive Multimedia Development and am currently studying Advertising.

Q- You clearly love the tomb raider series, as evidenced by your brilliant writing. and the fact that you were featured on Gametap's Tomb Raider 10th anniversary Retrospective,...What is it about Tomb Raider that attracts you?
A- When I first found out about the Tomb Raider games it was actually the title that caught my attention first. I've always been interested in Egypt, tombs and traps and thought it looked like a cool game. I love being able to travel around the world while playing the games and learning about new locations and artefacts.

Lara Croft is a strong character who I feel many people can look up to. For me, Lara has been a role model since I started playing TR. I love video games and Tomb Raider for me captures everything I love: adventure, shooting, puzzle solving and more.

Katie was featured in the Gametap Tomb Raider Anniversary Retrospective
Q- What inspired you to write Tomb Raider stories, how did it all start?
A- I wrote my first story in 2000 when I was on my way to North Carolina with my family. We were going down for a summer vacation and I realized I couldn't bring my computer with me.
In hopes of killing some of the time (it was a 20 hour drive) I wanted to somehow make a new adventure for Lara. From that point on I was bitten by the writing bug and haven't been able to stop! What I love about Lara is she is so versatile. She's not just limited to Tomb Raiding - you can take her anywhere in the world while still being true to the character.
Q- What awards have you won through your writing?
A- In 2003 I won first place in Core Design's world-wide fan fiction contest. My story "Sweat, Strength, and Determination" took home a beautiful signed montage by the entire team.

Q- Will you be writing anymore stories?
A- Yes! I am actually just starting research for my 12th story. I can't say too much other than it will be set around a Mayan-type theme in Guatemala.

Q- What was it like being in the Gametap tomb raider 10th anniversary retrospective?
A- Being in the TR Documentary was an incredible experience. It has just been over a year since Gametap was here filming and it was awesome. I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to represent the Tomb Raider community and showcase some of the work that I've done. Tomb Raider has been a huge part of my life for many years and I couldn't believe that I was asked to be a part of the video. I have Mike Schmitt to thank!

Q- Please tell us about your websites

A- When I first started up my website there weren't any sites that offered a variety of
screenshots from the games. My goal was create a site which included screenshots that showcased Lara, the scenery in the games, bad guys, etc. The sites that were up at the time only featured screenshots with Lara in them, and I wanted to make a different site.

Shortly after I launched another section which was dedicated to my stories. Both have been very successful and I look forward to many more years of updates!
Q: Katie thank you so much for the interview and the fantastic stories, and as a recognition of your efforts we would like to present you with the diamond award for your websites and a certificate of outstanding contribution to the tomb raider community.
A- Thank you very much!
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to e-mail me anytime at katie@tombraiders.net
Also, feel free to check out my Stories page where you can sign up for my mailing list, ask questions and more!
These stories may not be published, or re-created. All rights are reserved. For all copyright info please see the bottom of each story
Katie's Website

Katie's page is a quality website divided into two sections, one full of Tomb Raider Screen Shots, and the other is about her wonderful fan fiction stories about Lara Croft