Believe it or not,
being a great cosplayer has nothing to do with your costume being accurate,
or how good your pictures are, or how famous you are or even how fit and
pretty you are.
It has everything to
do with being a nice , decent human being to your fellow cosplayers, helping
them realize their goals, treating them like brothers and sisters not
competitors, even if you enter a competition together, it has to be all in
the name of fun.
It's got nothing to do
with what generation of game you like, or whether you disagree with a
character's new outfit, new look or new storyline. That should not be a good
reason for a rift in the cosplay community you are a part of. No matter the
generation, a good cosplayer always appreciates the hard work gone into the
costume and always
encourages new comers to pop up into the scene.
A good cosplayer is
someone who will always stand up and defend their fellow cosplayers against
bashers, they will always want to be there for you when you've
been hurt for sharing your pictures.
Finally, be happy for
someone if
the spotlight is shined on their hard work. it makes the community as a
whole look good and gets more people interested in the hobby.
Please take the time to consider all these things for a happy and healthy
community, full of loving and caring members, because if we don't stick
together, we will be torn apart.