Cosplayer is...
{ Jen Tate
1- Tell us about yourself.
"Hello, my name is Gwyneth aka Jen Tate Cosplay and I am a cosplay from
the UK. I spend most of my free time making costumes and going on adventures for
fun photo shoots.." |
2- Why do you cosplay Lara, what does it mean to you?
"I have always loved dressing up and when I first found out about
cosplay 5 years ago I was immediately hooked. I was very shy with zero
confidence and cosplay has really helped me overcome this with the help of all
the awesome people I have met through the hobby." |
3- What about lara made you want to cosplay her?
"When Tomb Raider Anniversary was release I worked in a video game store and
we were told we could dress up. Since I love dressing up and I love Lara I
thought I would give it a go. Even though I had zero skills I was still pretty
happy with how it turned out and it felt great to be my favourite video game
4- How did you first hear about Tomb Raider?
""My older brother had a copy of the game so I just gave it a go even
know I had no idea what it was about. I loved it from the start and looked
forward to her next adventure since then. |
5- How do you assemble your outfits?
"Lara usually wears clothes you can find in stores so I usually source most
of the bits from Ebay except the holsters which I make from scratch. Her newest
outfit is the first one I am making entirely from scratch." |
6- Who takes your photos, and what kind of equipment do you use?
"Im lucky that I know a lot of photographers so I work with different ones
each time. The equipment varies from a simple camera to lots of lights and
flashes and sometimes smoke bombs."
7- What is the one item you would add to the croft outfit?:
"I think she pretty
much has it all but I she no longer has her backpack so maybe add some sort of
side pouch to store items." |
8- What are your future costumes??
"I am currently working on my Shadow Of The Tomb Raider which I can’t wait to
finish. My goal is to make all of her main outfits." |
9- Favourite TR game:
"My favourite game
is Tomb Raider III but I really couldn’t pin point any of my favourite parts, I
just love it all." |
10- Favourite TR outfit?
"I would have to say Anniversary, I love how they updated the classic
outfit." |
11- Who takes your photos, and what kind of equipment do you use?
12- Favourite Non Lara Character?
"Since I’m from Newcastle I would have to say the Geordie character from Tomb
Rider III who you meet in London." |
13- Your Thoughts on the new origins story ?
"For me I love the original series of Lara and I don’'t think the new
origins story is as good. However I do like what they have done with the
character for this generation and I look forward to the next installment."
14- Your Thoughts on all the movies ?
"With the first 2 I think the script wasn't great however Angelina was
an amazing Lara and I still watch them over and over. The newest one I think was
an improvement and i love it but I still think its missing something." |
15 - Any advice for first time cosplayers?
"Just go for it. Even if you feel you have zero skills neither did I but
I still had fun and I have improved over the years. I have had people say my
Lara is rubbish which hurts but don't listen to bullies like that. Its not about
looking exactly like the character its about embodying the character and feeling
great being your favourite characters and making awesome friends along the way.
Thanks to Jen Tate for taking the time to do our featured cosplayer interview!
please follow her social media here:
https://www.instagram.com/jen_tate_cosplay/ |